Beverly McNeil

Beverly McNeil Essence of Nature Photography

Beverly is a self taught nature photographer with a passion to share with others, the beauty and wonder of what she sees when she is out hiking and exploring with camera in hand. Though the great outdoors is her purview, she is also known to occasionally photograph a subject in her studio.

Beverly’s roots are from Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, and (since 2004 ) have branched to Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. She retired in 2012 from Primary Care Physician Assistant, prior to that having been a Community Health Practitioner for nine years in a remote village of the Alaskan interior. She is married and has three adult children.

Beverly’s first camera was a Brownie Fiesta 127 which she acquired at age 15. With that brownie, she took photos at Lake Tahoe, Nevada and (a year later) of her first bear while on a solo hike.

Beverly is somewhat of a purist, as she does not use Photoshop or manipulate her images other than cropping or brightening the colors. She rarely uses flash. What you see in her photos is what she saw through her lens.

When framing Beverly uses only acid free matting and chooses frames that will enhance a highlight color or texture that is in the image. She makes blank greeting cards from 4×6 images as well, each one from an original print.

Beverly photographs scenery, flora and fauna, but her favorite subjects are birds.

It is extremely rare that she will photograph a subject in captivity. Beverly likes a challenge and enjoys photographing in a natural environment where she can observe animal behaviors.

Beverly’s hope is that people who see her images will appreciate and protect the awesome bio-diversity with which we share this delicate planet.

Beverly’s personal motto is: “Unplug and go outside!” But we at the gallery say, if you can’t be outside, please come in to the Port Townsend Gallery and see Beverly’s work.
